조기은퇴를 위한 미라클 모닝


The New York Times: Today's Headlines 같이 읽어요 :)




As Biden Plans Transition, Republicans Decline to Recognize His Election

Former President George W. Bush and a handful of other Republicans congratulated the president-elect, but most party leaders stayed quiet or urged President Trump to fight.


바이든이 과도기를 계획함에 따라 공화당원들은 그의 당선을 인정하지 않고 있다.



조지 W 부시 전 대통령과 소수의 공화당 의원들은 당선자를 축하했지만 대부분의 당 지도부는 침묵을 지키거나 트럼프 대통령에게 싸움을 촉구했다.



How Joe Biden Won the Presidency

Joseph R. Biden Jr. campaigned as a sober and conventional presence, concerned about the “soul of the country.” He correctly judged the character of the country,  and benefited from President Trump’s missteps.

조셉 R. 바이든 주니어는 "나라의 소울"을 우려하며 냉정하고 관습적인 존재로서 캠페인을 벌였다. 국가의 성격을 올바르게 판단했고, 트럼프 대통령의 실책 덕을 봤다.



Alex Trebek, Longtime Host of ‘Jeopardy!,’ Dies at 80

A good host, he once said, could set his ego aside and let contestants be all they could be.
But he let them know when he thought they missed easy answers.

'제퍼디!'의 오랜 진행자 알렉스 트레벡, 80세에 사망

그는 한때 좋은 진행자는 자아를 제쳐두고 참가자들이 될 수 있는 전부가 되도록 내버려둘 수 있다고 말했다. 하지만 그는 그들이 쉬운 답을 놓쳤다고 생각했을 때 그들에게 알려주었다.





그냥 읽는 것 보다 시간이 훨씬 많이 걸렸다. 눈으로 훑어볼때는 다 아는것 처럼 느껴졌지만 다시한번 짚을만한 부분들도 분명히 있었다.





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