일어나서 요가하고, 밖에 나가서 걷고, 전화영어 하고.
오늘은 테스트를 받았다.
전체적인 영어실력 평가
회원님은 전반적으로 영어 실력이 높습니다. 언어라는 것은 꾸준한 반복과 지속적인 언어환경에 노출되는 것이 중요합니다. 지금처럼 영어 실력을 높여가며 STEP 1부터 STEP 4까지 꾸준히 진행하면 지금 영어 실력을 유지할 수 있을 것입니다.
강사님의 코멘트
You were interactive and responsive during the test. You delivered your answers well and expressed your ideas clearly. You have a good intonation and pronunciation too. Just keep on studying for you to improve continuously.
Comprehension / Listening
You understood the questions and gave proper answers. You also responded to the questions quickly. I am still encouraging you to listen and explore more English materials for you to be more familiar with  those difficult areas of English.
You responded to the questions in detail and your ideas were commendable. You talked with ease and you were confident with your answers. You have very good communications skills, just keep on expressing yourself to enhance your knowledge.
You did well in answering the questions and in constructing sentences. There were very minor grammar slips that I noticed during our conversation but the good thing is you can correct yourself at some point. Keep up the good work!
You have a good intonation and pronunciation. There were just a few slips sometimes but I know that you can make it better. Continue enhancing your knowledge in this area.
Overall Comment
You already have the knowledge about this language. You can talk and express your ideas clearly. And also, you were confident in giving your answers. For that, I commend you. I am encouraging you to keep on studying and always practice what you have learned for your continuous improvement. Keep the confidence in you and always stay focused just like how you are during our class. Keep up the good work!