CHAPTER00 한눈에 읽는 기적의 6분 CHAPTER01 아침을 잃어버린 사람들 CHAPTER02 기적은 절망으로부터 온다 CHAPTER03 평균은 어떻게 성장을 제한하는가 CHAPTER04 아침을 변화시키는 첫 번째 질문 CHAPTER05 아침을 깨우는 사소한 변화들 CHAPTER06 인생을 구원하는 작은 습관 CHAPTER07 삶의 목적을 찾는 침묵의 시간 CHAPTER08 큰 소리로 스스로에게 다짐하는 시간 CHAPTER09 행동과 결과를 상상하여 그리는 시간 CHAPTER10 몸과 마음의 균형을 맞추는 시간 CHAPTER11 세상의 모든 지식을 읽어내는 시간 CHAPTER12 생각을 손으로 정리하는 시간 CHAPTER13 나만의 아침으로 최적화하라 CHAPTER14 오래된 습관을 이기는 법 CHAPTER15 내 인생을 바꾼 30일의 기록
에필로그 예전의 나에 대한 이야기 감사의 말 부록 1. 아침을 깨우는 문장 2. 나를 이끈 다짐과 확신의 말 3. 30일 인생혁명 프로젝트
What’s in it for me? Find out how changing your morning can change your life.
나한테 무슨 이득이 있지? 아침의 변화가 인생을 어떻게 바꿀 수 있는지 알아보세요.
Many of us live a mediocre life, though we all have the potential to be successful.
비록 우리 모두가 성공할 가능성이 있지만, 우리들 중 많은 사람들은 평범한 삶을 살고 있다.
Rearview Mirror Syndrome and Isolating Incidences prevent people from reaching their full potential.
To start the day well, stop hitting the snooze button and change how you think about sleep.
Change your morning routine to increase your Wake Up Motivation Level.
Use affirmation and visualization in the morning to start creating your ideal life.
Morning exercise will keep your body healthy and spur your success.
Read and write in the morning to focus on personal growth.
A good reading target to aim for is a minimum of ten pages per day. This means around ten to 20 minutes of reading per day, depending on how quickly you read. Surprisingly, this amounts to approximately 3,650 pages a year, which means you’ll be reading around 18 books a year.
Furthermore, re-reading, highlighting or circling useful information makes it easier for you to recall what is of most value to you.
Customize your Miracle Morning to make it fit your own specific needs.
Minute one – sit in silence; minute two – recite your affirmations; minute three visualize your day going perfectly; minute four – note down some things to be grateful for and what you want to achieve during the day; minute five – read two pages of a book; and finally, minute six – do some push-ups and crunches.
Make your Miracle Morning a new habit by having an accountability partner and committing to a 30-day challenge.
Final summary
The key message in this book:
The answer to a successful, fulfilling life lies in our morning ritual. Elrod encourages us to use six steps every morning to start living the life of our dreams: silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and writing. Completing these simple activities first thing every morning sets the tone for an effective, successful day ahead and, in turn, has a profoundly positive effect on our life in general.
Actionable advice:
Get happy about tomorrow! Before you go to sleep, think about what you could look forward to in the next morning. Are you meeting with a dear friend? Are you simply looking forward to a delicious breakfast? Finding reasons to be excited about the next day will make it easier to get up in the mornings.