조기은퇴를 위한 미라클 모닝






 책 소개

이메일만 넣으면 되는 무료 회원 가입으로 같이 읽어요 :) 여기를 클릭하여 가입하러 가기!





 국내 번역서

● 책소개


● 저자소개


● 목차 ( 더보기를 클릭하세요 )



Despite tremendous strides, we are still far from gender equality.




Women are still conspicuously absent from leadership positions, partially due to the leadership ambition gap.





Let’s talk openly about inequality and work toward correcting it, together.




Women’s lack of confidence can hold back their careers.




Careers are more like jungle gyms than ladders; aim for the top but be flexible in your route.




Women must carefully navigate the razor’s edge of ambition and likeability.





To foster effective communication, practice and encourage authenticity and appropriateness.





Attract rather than accost mentors, and build a natural, reciprocal relationship with them.




Equality means a truly equal partnership at home, too.




Before you go on maternity leave, lean in to your job as much as possible.




Don’t try to do everything perfectly; focus on what’s important.




Final summary





 소감 ( 책 리뷰 )

예전에 한국어 읽었었는데, 원서로 읽으니 느끼는 점이 많이 다르다. 아마 직장생활을 오래해서 그럴지도...

혹시 원서랑 한국어랑 내용이 좀 다른건가 싶기도...



 책 정보 상세보기

린 인


저자 : 셰릴 샌드버그(Sheryl Sandberg) / 안기순역

출판 : 와이즈베리 2013.06.05



Lean In (Paperback)


저자 : Sandberg, Sheryl

출판 : W H Allen 2015.08.06





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