조기은퇴를 위한 미라클 모닝


 책 소개

이메일만 넣으면 되는 무료 회원 가입으로 같이 읽어요 :) 여기를 클릭하여 가입하러 가기!





 국내 번역서

● 책소개


● 저자소개


● 목차 ( 더보기를 클릭하세요 )



Most things in the world can be negotiated, so you should learn to do it well.




Avoid Soviet-style negotiators – they mistake negotiations for battlefields.





Collaborative win-win negotiations are possible when everyone’s needs are identified and harmonized.




Successful negotiation means tapping into the many sources of power at your disposal.

No matter how much power you have in a negotiation, what really matters is how much power you think you have and how much power the other person thinks you have. All power is based on perception.



Make it hard for the other side to say no, but guard yourself against this same tactic.




The distribution and sharing of information can greatly affect your negotiation success.





Deadlines can influence negotiations, but don’t consider them absolute.





When you negotiate, make it personal – but in a good way.





Final summary

The key message in this book:
You negotiate more often than you think, and hence should learn to do it well. The outcome of any negotiation primarily depends on the power, time and information each side has at their disposal. Though some negotiators aim to win at all costs, it is entirely possible to negotiate for mutual satisfaction.

The questions this book answered:
Why are negotiation skills important?
Most things in the world can be negotiated, so you should learn to do it well.
What kinds of negotiation strategies exist?
Avoid Soviet-style negotiators – they mistake negotiations for battlefields.Collaborative win-win negotiations are possible when everyone’s needs are identified and harmonized.
What factors affect the outcome of a negotiation?
Successful negotiation means tapping into the many sources of power at your disposal.
Make it hard for the other side to say no, but guard yourself against this same tactic.
The distribution and sharing of information can greatly affect your negotiation success.
Deadlines can influence negotiations, but don’t consider them absolute.
When you negotiate, make it personal – but in a good way.


이 책의 핵심 메시지 :

당신은 생각보다 더 자주 협상하기 때문에 잘하는 법을 배워야합니다. 협상의 결과는 주로 양측이 자유롭게 사용할 수있는 권한, 시간 및 정보에 따라 달라집니다. 일부 협상가는 모든 비용으로이기는 것을 목표로하지만 상호 만족을 위해 협상하는 것은 전적으로 가능합니다.

이 책에 대한 답변 :

협상 기술이 중요한 이유는 무엇입니까?

세상의 대부분은 협상이 가능하므로 잘하는 법을 배워야합니다.
어떤 종류의 협상 전략이 있습니까?

소련 식 협상가를 피하십시오. 그들은 협상을 전장으로 착각합니다.
모든 사람의 요구 사항을 파악하고 조화를 이루면 협력적인 상생 협상이 가능합니다.
협상 결과에 영향을 미치는 요인은 무엇입니까?

성공적인 협상은 귀하의 처분에 따라 많은 전력 원을 활용하는 것을 의미합니다.
상대방이 거절하기 어렵게 만드십시오. 그러나 이와 동일한 전술에 대해 조심하십시오.
정보의 배포 및 공유는 협상 성공에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
마감일은 협상에 영향을 미칠 수 있지만 절대적이라고 생각하지 마십시오.
협상 할 때 개인적으로 만드십시오. 그러나 좋은 방식으로 말하십시오.



 소감 ( 책 리뷰 )

이 책은 어릴때(?) 매우 감명깊게 읽었던 책이다. 다시 읽어도 좋은책이다. 세상이 어떻게 돌아가는지 이해를 하고 사는것과 그렇지 않은것은 결과에 많은 차이를 준다.




 책 정보 상세보기


허브 코헨, 협상의 법칙 세트
저자 : 허브 코헨(Herb Cohen) / 강문희,안진환역
출판 : 청년정신(더불어책) 2004.09.13


You Can Negotiate Anything (Mass Market Paperback)
저자 : 허브 코헨(Herb Cohen)
출판 : Bantam Books 1989.02.01




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